The attached documents pertain to certifications from the National Council for Tibb and related boards in Pakistan. These certificates confirm the registration of practitioners as Tabibs (Herbal Practitioners) under the Unani, Ayurvedic, and Homeopathic Practitioners Act of 1965. The individuals listed are licensed to practice in their respective fields, with qualifications validated by the regulatory bodies. Each certificate includes the practitioner's name, registration number, qualification, and validity period.
These documents certify that the individuals have met the requirements for practicing herbal and alternative medicine in Pakistan, with each certificate being issued under the authority of either the National Council for Tibb or the Board of Unani and Ayurvedic Systems of Medicine.
If this information is for official use or marketing purposes, such as on a website, it would help establish the credibility of practitioners associated with the Daily Essentials brand and emphasize the company's long-standing heritage in herbal medicine.